RxNetworks And CSP ( Content-Security-Policy )
What is RxNetworks?
RxNetworks is to share every information in the world As Voluntary Participation Networks.
Therefore, You should unlock certain Web Security. If you don't want it, don't use it.
It does not work.
What is CSP?
CSP is a content security policy, which is a security element that hinders the dynamic use of JavaScript, activation of sites, and the basic ideology of the World Wild Web (WWW).
CSP is you can see the tag : meta. This makes kind of uncomfortable action
for developers who want to use dynamic javascript. If you don't mind, you can use this code.
Insert to '≺ head ≻ ≺/ head ≻'
This code will make new mata tag like this.
Or you can use this domain ( https://rxapis.com )